Chinas space authorities have announced plans to launch over 40 different spacecrafts into orbit in 20 separatelaunches this year.中国航天机构称之为今年将展开20次的航天升空,将40多个有所不同的航天器送到轨道。One of the vessels to be launched is theground-breaking Yuanzheng 1 - also known as the space bus - which can launch10 different satellites at once.其中最引人注目的要数远征1号了,也称为太空巴士,一次可以升空10个有所不同的卫星。2013 was a massive year for China whosescientists launched 16 spacecraft to firmly establish their cosmic credentials.2013年,中国顺利的升空了16枚航天器。
In October 2003, it became only the thirdcountry in history to independently launch a manned mission int o space on the Shenzhou 5.2003年10月,中国顺利已完成了神舟5号的载人计划,沦为了第三个享有这种能力的国家。A spokesman for the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation said thevessels going up this yt r will mostly be communication satellites orbitingat around 36,000ft.中国发言人称之为今年送到轨道的主要是通信卫星,将在36000英尺的轨道上飞行中。Director of its Space Department ZhaoXiaojin added: There will also be some remote sensing satellites s ent up toobserve the earth as well as navigation satellites.中国空间部门的主任赵晓金说道:“还不会发送到一些借以观测地球的远程遥测卫星以及导航系统卫星。
”Chinese space authorities also said anumber of cutting edge* technologies will be tested for the first time.including the highly anticipated space bus.中国空间当局说道一些“前沿”的技术也不会首次展开测试,还包括十分不受人们期望的“空间巴士”。The Yuanzheng 1 is Chinas largest everrocket with a diameter of 5.2 meters. It needs to be assembled at the launchsite because trains carrying it would not be able to pass through tunnels.远征1号是中国仅次于的火箭,直径5.2米。必需在升空现场展开装配,因为火车装载这种火箭的话,是无法通过隧道的。
Its engine can restart over 20 times when flying in orbit and it is thought tobe 75 per cent more efficient than spacecraft of the same size.在轨道中飞行中时其引擎可以重新启动20多次,而且据传比某种程度大小的航天器要高效75%。It also has the capability to move old,scrapped satellites out of useful orbit and into so-called cemetery orbits toprevent them from hindering other space-faring vehicles.它还不具备将老旧的荒废的卫星从简单的轨道送往所谓的“墓地轨道”中去,以避免它们妨碍其他的航天运输工具。Meanwhile, the Chinese government hasalready begun opening up its its lunar exploration program to private investment.与此同时,中国政府早已向私人投资对外开放月球探寻项目。